On the vote to migrants

In the history of human emancipation, the vote has almost never represented an ideal method to win new rights. In fact, in the majority of cases it has only turned out to be nothing more than a deceit. How can we consider a legal means of emancipation, when the law is designed to defend the staus quo that we are trying to get rid of! This, though, does not mean denying the principle that everyone should have the possibility to have an influence on the political decision-making process.

With the crisis in the systems of political and institutional representation due to the effects of the processes of globalization and economic integration, the act of voting is losing even more of its already weak political value. 

For this very reason, fewer and fewer Italians are voting. National governments, and with them regional and local governments, are losing their political function which is the management and administration of the territory and public affairs, while becoming peripheral agencies with the function of control and repression, under the direction of supranational political organisms (such as the IMF, WTO, etc), for the benefit of whom rules and regulations are enacted. Even where immigration is concerned, the Bossi-Fini and Turco-Napolitano Laws are in reality the bastard children of Schengen and its repressive and discriminatory policies. The victims are the migrants, those men and women who have been humiliated, emarginated and stigmatized as violent, misfits and criminals.

To the slow decline in representative democracy we must counterpose our mobilization against a possible authoritarian drift, and with our weapons - struggle and direct action - continue along the path of liberation from economic exploitation and from political domination.

Only in this way can we build a new world, free from every form of exploitation, where no human being will be considered clandestine and where everyone can enjoy the same rights.

The struggle of the Bolivian peasants, who in recent days have been paying a heavy price in human lives in order to defend their lives and their rights, the rebellion of the native populations of Chiapas and those of all the disinherited peoples of the world are linked with the struggles we are fighting here, together with the migrant workers, for emancipation for all and for the full enjoyment of our freedoms.


from Alternativa Libertaria Nov.03
News-sheet of the Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici