3rd Congress


Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici


Livorno, 7-8 March 1992

Motion on the Internal Organization of the FdCA


Congress appoints the Livorno Branch to edit "Comunismo Libertario" and to continue the transformation of the newspaper to include greater cooperation from other Branches and richer political content. The editorial line of the newspaper will be followed by the Council of Delegates, though the editors will continue to have autonomy of initiative.

Congress appoints the National Secretariat and the Florence Branch to edit the FdCA's information bulletin, "Agenzia di Informazione".

Congress entrusts the Council of Delegates with the organization of any other means of propaganda (pamphlets, posters, etc.).

As part of the political process of consolidating the unification [of the FdCA and the OCL-Livorno], Congress entrusts the Council of Delegates with the task of studying the possibility of establishing a Press & Propaganda Commission that will be autonomous with regard to the entire editorial process (production of material, printing, distribution), and furthermore entrusts the Council of Delegates with the task of assessing the political and financial conditions for the creation of a libertarian publication with the aim of raising funds to finance the FdCA's publications.