Rome 3 December:
Against the Bossi-Fini Law, for immigrants' rights


Fortress Europe is closing the doors to migrants and making its conditions very clear: work but without rights and slavery to Capital and the hope of a few crumbs of wealth.

With its Directive No.86/2003, the European Union introduced restrictions on immigration and on the management of foreigners within the borders of Europe. And all the member States are playing their part with forced expulsions and repressive legislation.

And the fences and gates are slowly being pushed further and further south, as they pay African bourgeoisies and tyrants to do their dirty work for them.

France has brought back old laws from its colonial past in order to repress the social revolt of young French people who are citizens, but who know that they don't have the same rights and opportunities as young white-skinned French people. Here in Italy, we have the Bossi-Fini Law (and before that the Turco-Napolitano Law) which has introduced the enormous multi-million business of the CPTs, where private individuals profit from the prolonged detention of migrants, systematically violating their universal rights and even the bourgeois guarantees.

This is a country where a right - the residency permit - can become an instrument of blackmail in the hands of the bosses and the job placement mafias.

Where preference is given to certain identities or on the basis of the "right" religion, so that divisions can be fostered and fragmentation encouraged. To fight this division, the exploitation and hatred of others, we need to demand that every single person have the same rights as others - starting with the right to freedom of movement and the right to work, to respect and to dignity. We need to build self-management and solidarity among all workers from every cultural, social and geographic background.

We need to guarantee respect for personal and collective freedom for men and women, irrespective of religious or community divisions which only serve to separate us and make the weak even weaker, instead of uniting the proletariat and making our social struggles stronger.

Demonstrations like this one on 3rd December are not, and must not become, a sort of ritual. They must continue to be a moment of high visibility and coordination of the struggle in the cities and workplaces. Day by day, through self-organization and daily mobilization, we ourselves must create alternatives to Capital and to the State and to the divisions in society that they produce. 

from Alternativa Libertaria Dec.05
News-sheet of the Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici